Start a new form
Sign in to Microsoft Forms with your Microsoft 365 school credentials, Microsoft 365 work credentials, or Microsoft account (Hotmail, Live, or
Note: You can also log in to, look for the Microsoft 365 icons on the left, and then select Forms.
New Form.
Title your form and, if you want, a description of it.
Note: Form titles can have up to 90 characters. Descriptions can have up to 1,000 characters.
Note: Your form is saved automatically while you create it.
Add questions
Add new to add a new question to your form.
Choose what kind of question you want to add, such as Choice, Text, Rating, or Date question types. Select More question types
for Ranking, Likert, File upload, or Net Promoter Score® question types. To organize sections for your questions, select Section.
Tip: You can also format your text. Highlight a word or words in your title or questions, and then choose any of the following: Bold (keyboard shortcut - CTRL/Cmd+B), Italic (keyboard shortcut - CTRL/Cmd+I), Underline (keyboard shortcut - CTRL/Cmd+U), Font color, Font size, Numbering, or Bullets.
Important: If you delete a question, it will be permanently deleted along with any response data that's been collected for it. Learn more.
Preview your form
Select Preview to see how your form will look on a Computer or Mobile device.
To test out your form, answer the questions in Preview mode, and then select Submit.
To keep editing your form, select Back.